Big Easy Estate Sales
Jonathan Wells
Various sample sales
2601 Camp Street, Garden District
1433 Philip Street, Garden District
4801 St. Charles Avenue, Uptown
1208 Ursulines, Treme
Sale Archives
2808 St. Charles Avenue, Garden District
Sample silver, jewelry, accessories, etc.
Carondolet Street, Old Mandeville
743 Camp Street, New Orleans
Listed is a sample of just some of our past sale locations....
Here you will see an archive of some of our past sales in and around New Orleans, including locations, staging photos, and before/staged/after photos. Creative staging and quality photos are one of the best testaments of a successful estate sale. A well presented sale, from organization and staging to advertising and promotion, is essential to any sale's success. Our team takes great pride in honoring one's possessions and personal property by creating a space that is appealing, yet accessible. The care that is taken into handling your possessions with creativity and style gives your personal property added value. We have proven this time and time again, continuing to get the best return for our clients. Our efforts show - our efforts pay off - each and every time.
Belle Alliance Estate
Donaldsonville, Louisiana
May 2021
The Blue Lady - 5718 St. Charles Avenue
1424 Fourth Street, New Orleans
2427 Camp Street, New Orleans